Addie is feeling better. But Thursday morning she broke out in a rash. It was a pretty bad one so we went to the doc. She had a reaction to her antibiotics. They also retested her for strep and she was still positive. They said said she should have been negative since she had 5 days of meds. So she got new antibiotics and hopefully they will get her well. She now has 5 teeth. 3 top, 2 bottom and working on 1 more top. She is talking up a storm and is just sooooooooooo sweet.
Connor has been doing great since his "surgery". He has not had any more screaming night wakings covering his ears and noises do not seem to be as much of an issue but still bothersome. He has decided to quit being so picky about eating and he seems to be minding better. He is probably improving all around bc he is getting better sleep due to not having the crazy screaming night wakings. Also this week he surprised us 2 nights in a row by ASKING to go to bed. One night he asked at 7:15 and the next night he asked at 6:15! Of course we obliged! lol
My work has been going great. I am up to 11 play therapy sessions a week. So I am working almost 7 hours on Mondays and almost 7 hours on Fridays. Thursday I caught myself saying Friday was going to be a long day. How awesome is it that a long day for me is less than 7 hours?! lol I am also really enjoying the kiddies I am working with a lot. It also feels so good to come home and have both kids pile on me and love me. I can tell they miss me.
Today we are going to a birthday party for 2 sisters. They are our neighbors. I feel sorry for Connor bc it is a princess party. He will probably enjoy the cake though! lol
My mom, stepdad, and brother are coming to visit for Thanksgiving! I am so excited. My mom and brother have only been here once and stepdad has never been here. I wish my mom would just buy the tickets so they won't change their minds. BUY THE TICKETS MOM!
RUSTY, if you are reading, HI! I saw that you made a comment. It is funny that I saw that this morning bc I was just thinking about you this morning. I had a Thomas Square bagel and they always make me think of you since I first had them on our trip. lol I miss you so much and hope we will see you around Christmas-time if we make it home. Awesome job on the running. :)
Couch-5K Update.......I Suck! I am lazy! I must like being fat! I have only ran 1 of 3 times this week. I was starting week 1 over after last weekend was so terrible. And I blew it again. I am going to try again next week to get going with week 1. I just need to get a routine going and get use to it. Right now I keep thinking I will do it later and just never do it. So someone kick my botty into gear. Tell me to stop being fat!
Seems like I had more to tell but I don't remember! So here are some pics. :)
The food all over her tray is bc she dumps her plate when she is done.
Cute Cute Cute!They are just so adorable.I hope Adiie is feeling better soon.
I am glad work is going good and that you are enjoying it.I bet those kids love you to death when you come in the door.
I tagged you on my blog.Check it out when you get a chance.
Have a good night!
Ugh I have spelling issues.
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