Of course, I waited until the last minute to take a pic of the kids for the Christmas cards. So Connor looks totally stoned in all of the pics bc he is sick. People are going to think we gave him some meds to get him to sit still for the picture. lol He was also forced to color a large sign that says Merry Christmas for him and Addie to hold in the picture. Make sure to look closely at the horrible bubble letters I did for him to color. You would never know I use to be a cheerleader and had to paint that crap on signs for football games all the time. They would be so ashamed. lol
Addie has become quite the little helper. She loves throwing things in the trash. Like on of our 3 cordless phones(we guess bc it is gone), a measuring cup, and the Leap Frog ABC Fridge Magnet. Luckily, the Fridge Magnet began singing the ABC's when we were taking out the trash. We were able to dig it out of all the nasty trash. The new rule in the house that I am sure no one will follow is to see what is on the top of the trash before throwing more in. That way if Addie has thrown in something important, we will be able to save it. She is doing so many cute things. She pretends to brush her hair, pretends to put toothpaste on her toothbrush,pretends to brush her doll's teeth, says bye bye to her pee pee and poop after she uses the potty, blows kisses, squeezes when giving hugs, kissing the pictures on the digital picture frame......I could go on and on.......but I will stop. She looooves getting on the couch and rolling around. She has rolled off twice now but keeps on getting back up for more.
Not much else to tell about that I can think of at the moment. Enjoy the pics!
1 comment:
Awww I hope he is feeling better soon. Hopefully addie doesn't get it too. She is gettin so big.I had a hard time with Lil C leaving hers in too so I went and got those little clored rubberbands. Haha she cant get them out of her hair.
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