After 15 long months, Daddy is home! We had a middle of the night homecoming. I was nervous about how the kiddos would do because they both love their sleep. I woke them up and got them dressed and off we went. We had to wait about an hour before the guys got there and Connor seemed to love all the excitement. He waved his flag, held up his sign, and climbed up and down the benches. When the band started playing he danced. Addie did so great too! I held her and we bounced to the music. She was all smiles but got tired toward the end. She dozed in my arms a few times. We held up a sign that said Duckett with 2 arrows pointing down so Wes could find us easy. He found us really quick. I got a quick hug and kiss and then Wes picked up Doodles. Doodles got a shy smile on his face and wrapped his arms around Daddy. He gave him a kiss and had the biggest smile. When Wes held Addie she cried. He has only seen her for 18 days when she was 2 months old and she has stranger anxiety. I took her back and got my big hug and kiss. Wes saw Doodles some more and then tried Addie again. She cried again. The third try was a charm though. She rubbed his face and gave him a smile. Since then she has been just loving her Daddy. She loves him and watches him wherever he goes. It melts my heart to see all of them together after all this time! I didn't really take many pictures at Homecoming because I hired an awesome photographer. I am sure she has some excellent pictures that I can share with everyone later. I didn't wanna be worried about capturing the moments. I wanted to focus on the special moments as they happened. I will post a couple of pics I got of us waiting at the end of this post.
We have really enjoyed having Daddy home! The day he came home, Addie started crawling. I am so glad she waited for Wes to get here. Before, she could only move one hand and knee before she fell down. Now she goes all over! Connor has been having a good time with Daddy too! They have been playing outside alot. We also all took a walk through our neighborhood. Connor rode his bike the whole way with a little help from Daddy. This morning, Wes had to go into work for a bit. Connor kept asking where Daddy was going. He looked upset when we said to work. Then I realized why he was upset.... the whole deployment, I told him Daddy was at work. So we had to explain to him that Daddy would be back later today. He was still reluctant for Daddy to leave. I bet he is going to be all excited again when Daddy gets home today. It will probably take some time to learn that Daddy leaving isn't always for a long time.
It is time for me to go make Doodles some lunch now. I will type more as time permits. If I don't post for a while, it is because I am enjoying our family being complete again!

Here we are waiting. Connor would not stop looking at the balloons on the ceiling to take a picture.

Addie's ACU diaper we had made for homecoming. It says "My Daddy is My Hero".

Addie is happy even in the middle of the night!
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