Doodles has had a favorite Teddy since he was one. He is on Teddy #3. He hates #3 bc he is new and will only have anything to do with #s 1 & 2. He has become quite the mother hen to Teddy lately. Sometimes I feed Addie breakfast in the Bumbo in the living room. On this particular morning, after Addie was done, Doodles put Teddy in. He pretended to feed him breakfast.

This story is not for the faint at heart. I admit it is a little gross and crazy but it shows how curious children can be! Connor got curious about what would happen if he closed the door on his pee-pee! Needless to say he didn't close the door very much and freaked out when he did it. Poor little guy.... bet he won't do that again. I bet that makes all you men cringe!
Over the weekend, Doodles played in his little swimming pool. He loved it. He was all soaking wet when he yelled out "Potty!". I told him to go pee-pee on the flowers, also known as weeds. He was so wet, I didn't want to take him inside just to pee-pee. Well that bit me in the butt today! Now that the back yard is fenced, we let him play out there and we leave the door open and windows open so we can see and hear him. Wes checked on him and came and told me I had to see what Connor was doing. Doodles was standing in the middle of the yard, slightly bent at the knees, and naked from the waist down. We watched him a couple of minutes just to see what the heck he was doing and he never moved. Wes went to go make him put his undies and shorts on. When Connor bent over to get his leg in his undies, I saw a little surprise. Lol. He had a turd hanging out! I ran out and told Wes and he brought him to the potty. So don't let your kiddo innocently pee-pee outside one time bc they may get the wrong idea!
As for Addie, she is doing so well. She has started doing so much. She is crawling all over the place and pulling up too!When I let her play in the floor and crawl she seems instantly attracted to shoes. The one thing on the floor I don't want her touching is the thing she goes for every time. Here is a pic of her just to make you smile. :)

Both the kids are really enjoying the swing set that Emmie(my mom) gave them as part of their Christmas. It just got put together last Saturday by Wes and his friend Pear. When they swing side by side they laugh and giggle the whole time. Here they are on the swingset.

hey bucket...funny stories. maddy nurses her baby too. i am just thankful she hasnt tried to get brodie to nurse...YET! i am loving all these updates.
ash these stories crack me up! they are so funny, totally real life, and so adorable!
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