Addie's birthday party was yesterday afternoon. I was a stressed "you-know-what" most of the day because I had so much to do and so little time. Luckily I managed to get everything done except fix my hair. I doubt Addie cared what a wavy mess my hair was though. lol We had a great time socializing with friends and celebrating our little girl! We hung out, ate some food, drank some "beverages", sang happy birthday, had cake and ice cream, and opened presents. Addie enjoyed the cake as the pictures will show. She got so many gifts too. She got a big playhouse, tons of clothes, tons of books(awesome bc she LOVES books), a baby doll(which she LOVES and carries every where), a stroller for her baby doll, the Little People doll house, SUV, and school bus, an Auburn cheerleading outfit, and savings bonds. Connor has taken a liking to lots of her new things too. His favorites are the doll stroller(which he used to push Woody around all day), her playhouse(even though he has his own in his play room), and her Little People doll house and vehicles(which are all pink). Wes cringes every time Connor plays with these things. I explained to him that this is normal. He wants to see these things because they are new. And he could care less that the SUV and school bus are pink bc he is only 3. lol Anyways, we had a fun afternoon and are thankful that we had so many people to celebrate Addie's very first birthday with.
Oh yeah, I made the cakes. It was my first time to EVER bake a cake. So cut me some slack. I was almost in tears decorating it because I could not get it to look near as cute as the picture. But I did the best I could. It wasn't the prettiest but it sure did taste good!
Here are the cakes. The little one was just for Addie.

Waiting for some cake!

We were singing happy birthday.

Yummy icing!!!

My sweet girl covered in sweet icing.

My sweetie has the sweetest smile ever.

Opening presents.

Addie giving me a big kiss.

My baby holding her baby.

Addie pushing her stroller.

Playing in her play house.

Addie and Daddy

Me and Addie

Good thing the party is over because somebody got cranky and tired.
Awww I am so glad she had a good day.It looks like she got lots of neat things and I am sure we will see her in all her cute new clothes.She is so cute.I love the cake and it was such a cute idea to make one little one for her.
Everything looks awesome. You did such a good job with the cake. If you think that is bad I wont even show you Tyler's that I
I cant wait to meet you guys and have the kids play together. :)
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