Saturday we went to the NC Zoo with another couple and their daughter. It was a crazy whirlwind of a day. The day started out with us getting ready for the zoo trip. At a few minutes to 11, I was parked in front of the computer trying to get Addie 2 diapers that were going to be stocked at 11 am. They had 2 in her size that I wanted and when I clicked to buy them at about 1 second after 11, they were both gone. Sold out in 2 seconds! Dang it! We needed those diapers. I am getting rid of Addie's diapers that have velcro closure because she can take them off. And just in case you are confused, we use cloth diapers. And they aren't cloth diapers like I wore as a baby, so don't think that. They are cute, fun, and we love them. But explaining the diapers is a whole other post. Anyways, we had put off leaving for the zoo so I could get the diapers and then got nothing. So we made the 2 hour trip to the zoo. My friend Candy and I went in her SUV with the kids and the guys rode their motorcycles. I must say that seeing my hubby ride a motorcycle scares me to death. I was better off not seeing him ride it. Those things just scare me. The plan was for the kids to nap on the way to the zoo but they didn't fall asleep until we were about 30 min from the zoo. So they had a real short nap. Everyone was happy and ready to go when we got there though. The zoo has 2 parts: North America and Africa. Each part takes about 3 hours to see so we were only able to do one part. We did North America bc our friends saw Africa last time they were there. We will go again soon to see Africa. I think it will be more fun. When we first got there, there was about a 15 min period when I wondered what the hell I was thinking when I suggested the zoo. Connor had to pee which was fine and dandy....Until he said he had to poop 5 min after he had been to pee. I took him to poop and he did nothing. We got snacks since we had been in the car a while. I got Connor an icee and cotton candy. They do not give out lids and straws at the zoo so he had to have a spoon for his icee. He decided he didn't want it from a spoon and spit it down his shirt. What a little turd!! He took one bite of cotton candy and didn't like it. Next time I will know to give him the free juice and water we brought from home instead of getting him something special. Addie was fussing and whining bc we were just sitting there while doing all the potty trips and waiting in line for the food. I thought I had made a huge huge huge mistake. But when we got going, things went great! Addie never cried the whole time. She just watched everything and everyone and was a happy camper. She coulda cared less about the animals. lol Connor really enjoyed getting to see everything and the cool playground they had. It turned out to be a great trip and I am glad we went. I think our favorite thing of the day was the seals and sea lions. Here are some pics from our trip.

Spongebob eating Daddy. No wonder Doodles wouldn't get out to see Spongebob.

The gators!

Instead of sitting on the seat, Connor wanted to stand on it for his picture. And then he thought it was super fun to jump down.

We really enjoyed watching the sea lions and seals swimming.

Wes and Connor watching them swim.

Addie was just chilling.... and giving me a smile and wink. lol

Who woulda thought the polar bear would be snoozing and sunbathing?! I didn't think they liked the heat!

Connor really liked the play ground but didn't get to do much because of all the other kids running wild. I hate when parents don't keep up with their kids or tell them to act right and take turns.

Having a lick of Daddy's ice cream to cool off.

I love watching my big guy and little guy walking together. :)

Connor was giving the flowers a sniff.

Mr. Black Bear was having a terrible hair day. lol

The bison are soooo ugly! They were like big bobble heads. There heads just wobbled the whole time we were watching. lol

Addie was all smiles, even at the end.

Addie wanted to play peekaboo instead of take a picture.

Mommy is looking a little rough after an afternoon pushing the double stroller up hill in the hot sun.

This is how we found Addie when we went to get her out of the car. Notice all the snacks under her chin. lol
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