We went to the beach for Memorial Day Weekend and had a blast. We ate like pigs and just had the best time. Our neighbors and great friends came to spend one day with us at the beach and it was great too. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

The four of us. This was the best we could do. LOL. Connor was covering his ears from the crash of the waves and Addie wouldn't even look.

Addie eating her first handful of sand. Yum!

The best picture I could get of the two of them. Connor had a bad case of bed head from his nap. LOL

Addie's first french fry! Oh, the horror! LOL Sometimes you just have to do these things to get through the meal.

Wes thought he was being a fun Daddy riding Doodles on his shoulders. He didn't realize the huge amount of crack he was showing everyone!

Addie did so well on the beach in her little tent. She played so well and even took a nap in there. It was well worth the $70 we spent on it!

Connor sharing with his best friend, Reagan. They are so sweet together.

Memorial Day was our last day at the beach and Connor's 3rd birthday so we took him to the aquarium. This is him and Daddy checking out the turtles.
The weekend following the beach trip, we had a pretty big birthday party for Doodles. I dunno how many people showed up but it was a lot. At one point Connor went inside and locked us all outside. He stood there sipping his Capri Sun and smiled. He did open the door after we asked him to though. Just like a kid to have a huge $500+ party with the big blow up bounce castle and not even care. The stinkin castle was almost $200 and he didn't even really like it much! We will not be wasting our $ doing another big party, that's for sure! At the end of the day, the party ended with a party guest running over our mailbox! Nice huh? LOL

Having a cupcake on his actual birthday when we got home from the beach.

Looks like I wanted a bite too! Hahaha.

Blowing out the candles at his party.

Something I have never seen before..... a kid that cares about the cards!!!!

Bouncing in the bounce castle.
Alright, so I am feeling lazy again. I am tired of blogging for today. Tomorrow I will post about our trip to Alabama, and our 4th of July. Hope you enjoy this update filled with pics!
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