Both the kiddos looking all patriotic in the red, white, and blue.

A lot of people stopped us to tell us how cute Addie was. The lady with the Harris Teeter set up took her picture.

Connor and Reagan riding the only kiddy ride they had. They enjoyed it though.

I just liked this picture of Doodles. He looks so sweet.

Doodles and Daddy. Daddy was tickling him.

Doodles and Reagan dancing to the music. I believe it was Dakota Rain playing on stage.
When we got back home we cooked out and built a fire to roast marshmallows. The kids loved making the smores. Dinner was yummy. The beverages of the night consisted of daquaris, beer, and Jager. We bought some fireworks at Walmart and they were terrible. Never waste your money on them! Connor flipped out about all the fireworks going on. He has always had some pretty serious issues with noise, some hardly noticeable sounds and others may be loud. We are beginning to think auditory sensory integration dysfunction. We are seeing an ENT about his ears and I am going to pursue having him evaluated by an OT about the sensory stuff. Anyways, he went to bed because he couldn't handle the fireworks. He was so upset I was surprised he went to sleep. The night ended for us adults about midnight. I am not used to staying up so late or use to drinking.

Building the fire in their back yard to roast the marshmallows.

The kiddos were proud of their marshmallows.

Candy and I after a few drinks. Please excuse how awful I look. It had been a hot day.

Wes with his sparkler. LOL

This is why you don't buy fireworks at Walmart. They all look just like this!
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