Connor sitting on the tractor tire. This child loves tractors!

Addie and Daddy before he left for the motorcycle trip.

Addie was not happy about this photo session I tried to get of her by the flowers.

This is my Uncle Mike. He loves Connor and now says he is ready for his own grandson.

Just sitting pretty!

They both look so sweet and loving in this picture. The next picture on my camera was of Connor pushing her away and her holding onto him for dear life! LOL

This is a rare site. Connor and my brother J Cole getting along. Had to snap a pic of this.

Watch out bc Connor is driving the boat. He loved steering the boat and blowing the horn.

I love this picture of Addie and my mom(Emmie as the kids call her).

Doodles has recently become pretty afraid of bugs. If one touches him he screams and if he sees one he makes sure to let us know. So I would have thought he was afraid of lizards, but nope! My mom's river cabin had a lizard that hung out on the porch and he chased it around trying to "pet it". Well Paw-Paw Jim caught one and this is Connor petting it!

And here he is kissing the lizard! I cannot believe he did this!
Hi there.I just came across your blog the other night.Your children are beautiful.
I know how you feel about going home.I am thinking of using your schedule for the family idea.We always have the same issue since both of our families live in the same area.It is bad when you dread the thought of going home.
Glad you all had a good time!
Hi sgtsudswife! Thank you for the compliment to the kiddos. Hope you enjoy the blog!
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