I just thought this was too funny! My title is Rice, Rice Baby instead of Ice, Ice Baby. LOL. A few days ago I decided to let Addie try to feed herself some rice. She often grabs the spoon from me and gets it to her mouth so I gave her a chance on her own. She ate one bite with the spoon and then went at it with her hands. She loved it and made such a mess. It made for great pictures though! Here is my rice, rice baby! :)
Our little girl has also started taking some steps! Last Sunday we bribed her with bites of sausage off of Wes' pizza. The first time she made it 3 steps and after a few tries she could go 8! She can go about 10 now and sometimes she just falls down after a couple. She isn't really interested in walking without a bribe though. We are just going to keep working with her and she will get it in no time! She walks great beside me with just one hand held. Our little baby girl is growing up!
Also, who new Addie likes pickles?! Yesterday she was fussing while I was making her dinner so Wes gave her a bite of pickle. She made a little face but loved it. She would have eaten the whole thing if he let her I bet. I am just so surprised that she liked a pickle. She also LOVES blueberries and cantelope. I hope she keeps liking everything. Doodles is so picky so I hope she won't be.
Well I better run get a shower while the kiddos are napping. Later.
SO CUTE! I Have decided that Rice is one of the messiest foods ever but the kids love it!
I love these pillowcase style dresses you have on her just (throughout the blog) gorgeous!
Yes I am mad that I didn't get to see you and the kids when you were here!!!! J/K Glad you are doing well. See you on the next trip.
Sorry I forgot to put my name.
Love, Jennifer
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